


Hi, welcome to my portfolio.

My name is Alex Belardi.

I'm passionate about turning exciting and innovative ideas into web apps.

About Me

Your alt text

My interest in technology began from a young age. By 13 years old, I was creating technology product review videos for my YouTube channel. While partnering with major brands, I amassed a following of 7,000 subscribers and 2 million video views.

After graduating college, I started a job at an Apple retail store and worked my way up to the title of Genius. During that time, I decided to start learning how to code and attended a General Assembly bootcamp.

Fast-forward and I landed an internship with a company called7th Ave. I contributed to the development of microservices and completed various front and back end projects while consistently learning on the fly.

Whether it's developing robust software solutions, solving complex problems, or staying at the forefront of emerging technologies, I am committed to continuous growth and delivering excellence in every endeavor.

Currently, I`'`m a lead Shopify developer at an e-commerce agency called Prismfly. I skillfully manage a dynamic team of four developers while overseeing multiple client engagements. I excel in project leadership, ensuring the successful delivery of high-quality code within established timelines. With a focus on client satisfaction, I serve as the primary point of contact for clients, gathering requirements and providing technical guidance.

Projects I've built

Photo Blog

A project built as a Tumblr-esque design to showcase my more recent photography work. The site features a light and dark mode option as well as the ability to click on each photo and make them larger.

  • React

  • NestJS

  • MongoDB

  • Node.js

NFT Mint Site

Created as a site to mint a selection of my photos on the Goerli testnet. The user has the ability to connect their wallet, mint up to 3 photos with a smart contract I created, view the transactions on Etherscan and see the collection on OpenSea.

  • React

  • Ethers.js

  • HardHat

  • Solidity

NFT Project Promo

A Gift to Our People - An NFT project that is the brainchild of 7th Ave. While interning at the company, I built this site that promoted and provided information for the project.

  • React

  • Next.js

National Park Finder

A work in progress. The site aggregates data about US National Park sites thereby helping users plan trips by state. Users are able to create an account and add parks to a list of favorites.

  • React

  • Next.js

  • JWT

  • MongoDB

  • Tailwind CSS

NP Finder Backend

Currently a work in progress. The backend to my National Park Finder project. Incorporates signup and login functionality with JWT and MongoDB. Makes calls to the official National Parks API.

  • Express

  • JWT

  • Mongoose

My skills

  • React

  • JavaScript

  • CSS

  • Express

  • Solidity

Other skills include:
  • Hardhat

  • NestJS

  • Tailwind CSS

  • React Native

  • HTML

  • MongoDB

  • Next.js

  • Ethers.js

  • Puppeteer